Wednesday, August 27, 2014

wishful wednesday 29 : little house series

picture is taken from here

rabu 27/8 (5:00 pm)

dearest Laura (Ingalls Wilder),

i know i knew you wayy too late than others who might have fallen in love with you, your stories and your family since many moons ago but even though i sometimes secretly wish i have known you much earlier, i'm still thankful that i got a chance to get to know you and have a peek at your family's life.

more than 15 years ago i guess i caught a glimpse of your tv series but at that time i didn't feel like watching your episodes, you have no idea how i regret it now! about two weeks ago (or probably more, i sometimes lost track of time :p), i finally decided to read your 6th book from little house series, the long winter, i actually had had this book since couple of years ago.. but i guess the time hasn't felt right yet for me to read it until recently.. 

and the more i turned the pages.. the more i become attached with your family.. i love stories that are different from my own.. it makes my imagination run free.. trying to picture what it feels like to be 'there', to be part of the stories i read..

as you know, laura.. i live in a 2 seasons country so we have no snow here and you know, how at times we might want what we don't have, i always choose 'winter' as my fave season from the 4 seasons cause it's very different.. as for spring, well.. the flowers also bloom here.. summer? everyday feels like summer in my place! autumn? the leaves also fall down from trees around here, so you see, why winter attracks me the most :))

but in "the long winter", you present me with something that never crossed my imagination when i think of my own version of winter 'wonderland'.. i only imagine the fun part of it, building snowman, having a white christmas, skating on the frozen lake, and things like that.. but from your story, i learn the 'cruel' side of the season i soo long to experience.. 

but not only that.. beyond those blizzards and the fear of hunger because the train that brought food supplies stopped coming, i somehow can feel the warmth in your family even when you mention the neverending cold especially when the coal had gone and you had to use hay sticks to keep the room warm.

you made me fall in love with your pa, laura.. a hard-working man who never give up in providing his family with love and care.. and also with ma, i envy her twist and inspiring way of cooking (wish you include recipes for me to try ma's delicious food!) and also your three sisters! ahh.. how i wish i got a chance to be among your family for a day!

your "the long winter" book has made me fallen in love with your writings and wish to read some more of the series, which is why as you might have guessed.. here's my wish for this wednesday..

picture is taken from here

yupp.. it's the other 8 books of your little house series, laura.. i can't wait to read more about you, your family and what you had to go through and *ehemm* i would also lovee to read how almanzo ended up being your husband! 

as for my chosen book for the giveaway.. i'd like the very 1st book of the series..

Little House in the Big Woods
i like this cover best, too bad it's unavailable XD

Little House in the Big Woods
this one's nice, too.. but unavailable as well, ahahaha :p

so my 3rd choice would be this one :

Little House in the Big Woods
book is available in here

wish me luck on this one, lauraa ^o^

buat yang mau ikutan giveaway special-nya Astrid di wishful wednesday rabu ini, bisa simak ketentuan berikut ini and jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini yaa, siapa tau terpilih sebagai 2 pemenang yang beruntung :D

happy birthdayy, perpus kecil yang koleksinya udah banyak bangets XD semoga kecintaannya ama buku bisa menular dan terus bertahan sampai buku2 tidak lagi dicetak :))

wishful wednesday

1. Buat posting Wishful Wednesday di blog-mu – (yep, it’s only for blogger this time, sorry guys!). Tapi nggak harus blog buku kok, yang penting blog-mu masih aktif. Jangan lupa cantumkan button Wishful Wednesday dalam postinganmu (bisa di-copy dari postingan ini). Posting diterbitkan di blog masing-masing hari Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014, bertepatan dengan Wishful Wednesday [123] di blog ini.
2. Isi postingan adalah tentang buku yang sedang menjadi wish-mu saat ini (boleh lebih dari satu buku), beserta alasan kenapa kamu ngebet banget pengen punya buku tersebut. Tampilkan juga gambar cover buku incaranmu ya! Jangan lupa, alasan kenapa kamu mau buku tersebut harus dibuat seunik mungkin – entah lewat cerita, puisi, atau sekadar curhatan- bebas pokoknya :)
3. Syarat buku inceran:  Buku boleh berbahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris, tapiharga  maksimalnya (setelah harga diskon dan total di luar ongkir) adalahIDR 100,000 atau USD 10. Dalam postingan tersebut, kamu wajib mencantumkan link tempat buku ini bisa dibeli online (contoh toko buku online lokal: Untuk buku berbahasa Inggris, hanya dapat mencantumkan link (free ongkos kirim ke Indonesia), atau Pastikan buku incaranmu masih tersedia stoknya, dan bukan merupakan buku yang sudah tidak diterbitkan (out of stock/out of print).
4. Setelah posting, kamu wajib memasukkan link postinganmu ke Mr.Linky yang ada di bagian bawah postingan ini. DUA orang (yep, dua lho!) pemenang akan dipilih sendiri oleh saya, berdasarkan isi postingan yang paling berkesan :) Jadi subjektif banget dan dilarang protes XD Setiap blog hanya boleh membuat satu postingan dan memasukkan satu link ke Mr. Linky.
5. Giveaway ini hanya diadakan dalam SATU HARI saja, yaitu Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014. Link postingan di Mr. Linky dapat disubmit setelah Wishful Wednesday [123] terbit dan link terakhir ditunggu hingga pukul 23.59 WIB. Peserta yang sudah posting tapi tidak memasukkan link-nya ke Mr. Linky hingga batas waktu yang ditentukan, dianggap GUGUR.
6. Pemenang akan diumumkan hari Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2014  pk. 10.00 WIB melalui blog ini. Pemenang diberikan waktu 2×24 jam untuk konfirmasi melalui email ke Bila lebih dari waktu tersebut belum ada konfirmasi, maka akan dipilih pemenang lainnya. Pemenang harus memiliki alamat kirim di Indonesia.
7. Bila buku yang menjadi wishlist sudah tidak dicetak lagi, atau tidak bisa ditemukan di website yang sudah dicantumkan, maka pemenang diberi kesempatan satu kali lagi untuk memilih buku lainnya.

rabu 27/8 (5:30 pm)


  1. Wah, penggemar Laura Ingalls ya..
    Aku udah punya 6, terutama yg rimba besar itu tapi versi terjemahan. Ada beberapa yg sudah kureview diblogku.
    Adegan yg paling favorit dari bukunya, waktu Pa-nya Laura main biola sambil nyanyi yg diikuti oleh seluruh anggota keluarganya, sama waktu Ma masak. Haha tergiur oleh resepnya..

  2. gue juga mau banget punya ini buku. Dulu nonton serialnya di TVRI dan suka berandai-andai hidup di Padang rumput.

    1. baru full baca, tadi liat gambar dulu. Semoga menang, ndah, I love your reason why you want the book. It's so strong and make me want the book. I think if the winner is chosen by vote,I will vote you.

  3. Aku sudah punya lengkap seri Laura ^^ *pamer

  4. waaaaa panjang storynyaaa XD aku baru pernah baca 1 buku laura, tapi suka sih... boxsetnya keren euuuy....thanks udah ikutan ndah!

  5. My fav series as welllll!! Aku juga udh berusaha ngumpulin koleksinya dari dulu, tapi ternyata dihadiahin 1 boks lengkap import....mihihihihi :')
    salam kenal, anw


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